Reduce Your Water Bills With Expert Tips

How to Lower the Household’s Water Costs

If property owners are looking for ways to save money around the home, one great place to start is with water costs. This post will share some easy ways to reduce a household’s water usage and save on water bills, including using less water during daily tasks, getting water-saving plumbing fixtures installed, and identifying water leaks.

Reduce Water Use During Daily Tasks

turn off the tap and reduce water useWhen household residents don’t think about how much water they use, it can be easy to waste and rack up high water bills. One way to lower water bills is to be more mindful of how much water is being used during common tasks and make minor changes to reduce water waste.

People can conserve water by turning it off when performing daily tasks, like brushing their teeth, shaving, and reducing the length of their showers. Water can also be saved by running the washing machine or dishwasher only when there is a full load instead of doing several smaller loads. Using the dishwasher instead of cleaning the dishes by hand can also help to use less water.

Homeowners can also save water outdoors. When doing yard work, property owners should only water the grass in the early morning or late evening when the temperatures have dropped. Watering the lawn in the afternoon can cause it to evaporate faster, increasing the amount of water needed to keep the lawn healthy.

Install Water Efficient Fixtures to Replace Old Ones

invest in water saving fixturesAn easy and effective way to lower water bills is to install water-saving plumbing fixtures to replace old and inefficient fixtures, such as toilets, showerheads, and faucets. These water-saving fixtures come in many styles, so homeowners don’t have to sacrifice comfort, water pressure, or style to save on water costs.

One type of water-saving toilet is a dual-flush toilet, which has two different flushing options that use different amounts of water. A low-volume and high-volume flush allows people to use even less water when only flushing liquid waste. Property owners can also install low-flow faucets and low-flow showerheads to reduce water usage and save money. These devices can combine air with water to create good water pressure while using less water.

Identify Water Leaks

Another effective way to reduce water bills is to identify leaks and call for water leak repair. Quickly catching leaks can limit the amount of wasted water that is lost and lower water bills. Some signs property owners should watch for that can indicate a water leak in the plumbing system include:

  • Lower water pressure coming from the plumbing fixtures
  • Water bills that are higher than usual
  • Wet spots around the house
  • Water stains or damage on the walls, ceilings, or floors
  • Mold and mildew
  • Sounds of running water when water is not being used

Another way to determine if there’s a leak that property owners might overlook is using the water meter. If a water meter continues running when no water has been used inside or outside the home from fixtures and appliances, it can indicate a leak. Homeowners should schedule water leak detection and repair services as soon as possible to save water and reduce water costs.

About Universal Plumbing

Universal Plumbing has over three decades of experience serving the Augusta area. They offer flat rate pricing, fast response, and the latest technology. Call them for plumbing services in Augusta, GA.